A review by squishies
Fridays with the Wizards by Jessica Day George


3.5 stars

I totally have devoured this series and I think it's because the characters are pretty neat (besides the tweeny angst and teen drama - Lilah, I'm looking at you), the world building is fun... and GRIFFINS!!! Ah, I seem to have a weak spot.

Also, thanks blurb for the spoiler... what the heck. I mean sure you find out near the beginning of the book, but c'mon. Geez man.

There's one thing that's got me puzzled: they're building a ship in the field? Then shipping it to Grath? (Ha! See what I did there?) That... doesn't make a lot of sense?? Why not ship all of the materials to Grath first? =_= I don't understand this part of the story.