A review by catpingu
Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith


Like I've said in my reread review of [b:Tantalize|353016|Tantalize (Tantalize, #1)|Cynthia Leitich Smith|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1430626302l/353016._SX50_.jpg|343231], I think I've aged out of the target demographic so I can be a little more critical about the actual writing.

Zachary's a guardian angel who's in love with his charge, Miranda. He's watched over Miranda her whole life, always invisible and imagining all the things he'd say or do with her if he'd just be allowed to reveal himself. One unfortunate encounter with a vampire in a cemetery, and Miranda disappears. Zachary's angelic abilities are taken away and he roams around depressed and in despair he failed his duty as a guardian angel and as Miranda's protector. A year later, he's assigned a new task; completion of his task means his holy reinstatement. He goes to Dracula's new castle and meets a familiar face...

I have to say, while this isn't a slow descent into darkness as much of a good vs. evil battle, the murder mystery is much more upfront and a little more fun to figure out than the last book. I might be biased, I still like Tantalize better, but I guess this book works to introduce more concepts and characters. I can't really say it's a super good read; more like, it's there and I read it. The reason it's taken me like 12 years to read it is because I didn't feel invested to read this book, until I found out the next book, which is bringing back our original cast of characters, would interact with some characters from this book as well.