A review by pannonianbookworm
Bomb by Sarah Mussi


**I've received free eBook copy from www.netgalley.com in exchange for an honest review***

When i started reading this book, i was in a reading slump and i was a bit scared that i will not finish it. But when i started i realized that all fears were for nothing. There was something in the story and writing style that kept me turning the pages.

Bomb is a book about girl Genesis who decides to go on blind date to get over her ex boyfriend Naz who dumped her for no good reason ( at least that is what she said). Next morning she wakes up not knowing where she is and don't remembering anything from the night before. Than she realizes that she has some kind of vest attached to her and something is blocking her hearing in one ear. She is scared and doesn't know what to do. And then when she thought things can't get more complicate she hears voice in her ear telling her that she is selected for a mission and that she is strapped to a bomb. Then her journey of survivor stars. We follow her trying to figure out why is she chosen and how to outwit them.

The cult that chose her is called Brightness and they believe that if they sacrifice what they love they will have them in next life. It is religious extremist group who choose easy female, the easy targets, at made them sacrifice in order to kill as much people as they can. They want to bring the end of the days and no one who becomes their member can can leave them.

Our main character is Genesis and we follow her struggle to understand what and why is this happening to her. She is also struggling with question why her boyfriend Naz had decided to end things with her so suddenly. She is a strong character who decides that she will stop this people and try to save as many lives as she can. I really admired that because it is not easy to think in panicky situation and because she decides that she will give her life in order to save people. She doesn't stop fighting until the very end even when she doesn't see the light at the end of tunel.

We are also introduced to her best friend Holly and to Dave her ex-boyfriend who happens to be Holly's older brother, They try to help Genesis and to save her life, but it wasn't that easy and things that happened showed that. They were determined to be with her until the end, and they showed what real friends are. Dave the Save was with her and as army member tried to get the bomb of her and find the place where the Brightness was to save her. He was like detective trying to fit the pieces of that mystery together.

There was a bit of a romance, but not much, I wanted more, but i feel like deep down I knew that the story is best the way it is written. There was her struggle between the sweet, loving Dave and extreme, dangerous Naz, and who was the one.

The story was really fast paced and it included all. detective, police, love, friendship, struggle... It was really interesting and suspenseful in majority of book, But i have to say that some parts where a bit boring. In some places there where articles from newspapers and news that were to long and that were not that connected to the story. I fell like those parts were unnecessary and could be shorter. Also i was sometimes annoyed with things that Genesis used to say (her poet lines). I just didn't understand it and wasn't interested in that.

The most disappointing part of whole book was the ending, I just needed more. I don't know what happened i just don't know how story finishes. I wish that there was epilogue so we could know what happened to her, did the bomb exploded or not. It was not fully finished in my opinion. I can just guess the ending of story.

I enjoyed the book a lot. I have to be honest I didn't expected it to be this good. It was fast paced and interesting and i highly recommend it to everyone. I will give it 4/5 stars, just because of the ending.