A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Unconventional by Avery Aster


This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Unconventional is a hot, fun and yes, very unconventional read.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Fans of Avery's Manhattanites will love Unconventional, both because of the humour that is familiar to them and because characters they already know are a part of the story. Rocco and Luigi have been feeling that Jemma has withdrawn from the both in recent months, and while they understand that she has been under a lot of pressure, they want to add a little on their own - they want to marry her and be a family, the three of them together. The story is a little over the top, but it's hot, and it's filled with quite a bit of humour, so I quite enjoyed myself!

Because I'm not really familiar with the characters, it was a little difficult for me to form an attachment to them, and I thought Jemma was acting like a spoiled child at times, and the two men were not really taking everything into consideration when they kidnapped her for a sex safari to help her loosen up. Unconventional is meant to be a light-hearted, steamy story, though, and it did bring that, and one thing I really enjoyed was that there was no jealousy between the three of them. They all loved each other, and they were also friends and showed respect towards each other.

I'm sure fans of the series will really love Unconventional, though, because it was obvious to me that there are inside jokes, both between the characters and between the author and the readers. Jemma, Rocco and Luigi each got their own chapters, and their voices were distinct. Written in first person point of view and past tense, the story was evenly paced and with an easy flow.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

In a way, Rocco and I were similar to those flowers reaching for something - nourishment and love.

As we watched Jemma head back to our private oasis on the beach, I slipped the diamond into my front pocket. The ring would never adorn dolce's finger.

"Exactly." Taddy turned to face me, her green eyes finally locked with mine. "No sex in your life equals bad fashion designs. This is easy to see how this happened."