A review by analenegrace
New Orleans: A Writer's City by T. R. Johnson, T. R. Johnson

I am lucky enough to work with the author TR Johnson and for him to have gifted me a copy of his newest book! This book captures the New Orleans Literary History and Current Scene beautifully by combining literary history with city history, music history, architectural history, and more to weave such a comprehensive look at the extensive works and creators that have come out of New Orleans. 

I was born and raised in the Greater New Orleans Area and am always interested in reading and learning more about the city I'm lucky enough to call home, and this book, through its masterful writing and research, grew my knowledge of home so much! While writing in a style that's accessible to the general public, Johnson provides So Much in what is not a particularly long book.  

By taking the Five major streets/areas and the outskirts of New Orleans and separating them into regional chapters rather than chronologically, Johnson is able to capture one part of what makes New Orleans so unique: its distinct neighborhoods that each represent a different aspect of New Orleans culture. There was so much rich information in this book, some of which I knew and some I had never heard of before! 

My only critique is now I have so many more books, fiction and non-fiction, to add to my TBR!