A review by emilyclairem
Postcolonial Melancholia by Paul Gilroy


I'll be honest: his writing is incredibly dense and a lot of it went over my head. I had to read this in a short amount of time, so I couldn't dedicate enough time to trying to extrapolate his meaning from the more complicated sentences. So while this definitely isn't a bad work by any means, and communicates a lot of vitally important messages, my appreciation of it suffered as I wasn't able to fully grasp all of it. I think perhaps I became too used to Foucault's clear outlines and logical structure and found myself a little lost in the organization of this text. I'd love to come back to it at a time when I can read more slowly and carefully. I do love the concept of postcolonial melancholia for how clearly it articulates contemporary racism, and this text has definitely influenced how I see those issues.