A review by danicamidlil
Blue Moon by Lori Handeland


I enjoyed this and read it almost straight through. (I stopped to sleep for a few hours then went right back to it!) I was pretty unsure of what was going on for most of the book, so I think that's a point in the author's favor. The cover artist clearly never actually read the book since the main male character has Short hair, not the long flowing locks of an Indian brave. (Grrrr, stuff like that bothers me!) I really liked the sarcastic and aggressive female main character who knew her way around firearms, hunting, and breaking up bar fights. Awesome!
Have to say though, I was very disappointed that the werewolves were the bad guys. I was all ready to suspend my disbelief that Will could still be some other kind of coyote skin-walker or Something, Anything else just to explain his strange strength and agility... Maybe it just isn't given away in this book? Oh, I hope so!