A review by jansbookcorner
Kaddish.com by Nathan Englander


A light, quick read about a wayward Jewish son that does not want to commit to saying kaddish for his father. His solution, hire someone to do it through kaddish.com. Fast forward a few years and the wayward Jewish son has become a devout Jew and is now struggling with what he did those many years ago. His solution is to find the person who said kaddish and redeem his birthright.

A simple story told well, even though it would have been more enjoyable if I knew the Jewish terms used. Larry/Shuli draws you into his moral dilemma and the methods he uses to resolve it. I always consider a book successful when at the end, I wonder what happens next. This is one of those books. It is a satire, so not a heavy read, but it does have some good moral truths.