A review by emleemay
Mouth to Mouth by Antoine Wilson


I've seen a fair bit of buzz about [b:Mouth to Mouth|58438631|Mouth to Mouth|Antoine Wilson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1640537659l/58438631._SY75_.jpg|91709221] and noticed that it received a positive review from Kirkus, but having read it now, I really don't understand why.

Perhaps it will be more engaging to those readers who enjoy reading about art curators and art galleries. I like a pretty picture as much as the next person, but the business side of this world does not really interest me. I kept reading and reading to get to the promised twist that everyone has been raving about, but, honestly, the biggest surprise for me is that the ending surprised anyone. It seemed like the most obvious conclusion.

The narrator turns up at JFK for a flight that is now delayed. There, he runs into an old acquaintance from university called Jeff. Jeff then proceeds to tell him what's happened in his life in the twenty or so years in which they haven't seen each other, beginning with how he saved the life of a drowning man and this action sent his life spiralling off in a direction he never predicted (or did he?).

The central question being asked, it seems, is whether this was an act of fate, or if, indeed, Jeff was steering his own destiny, but the avenues the author goes down on his exploration of this old question were not particularly interesting to me. I think, in the end, reading about men whose singular goal is money and power does nothing for me. At least the book was a short one.