A review by molspiration
The Complete Doc Unknown by Fabian Rangel


60% | C+ | Good

"Combing your hair different and wearing a pair of goggles isn't much of a disguise"

Doc Unknown, a hero trained by warrior monks at the temple of Min-Yao, protects Gate City from all sorts of threats ranging from sirens to evil spirits

A fun, cheesy read with no real depth. Doc Unknown has a Batman like vibe with the visuals of Matt Murdock (thanks to the red glasses and suit), and that's all there really is to his character. Little effort is put in to give him an arc, with some of the villains receiving more development than the protagonist. That being said, the character growth all happens at the very end, making it feel incredibly rushed and somewhat undeserved. The plot also feels very hastily put together. There are moments where a lot is happening, and then sections of absolutely nothing of consequence. This is not a standout amongst the sea of choice that's available, but it's enjoyable for what it is.