A review by mrose21
Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine


I liked this book actually best. (Pretty sure I said that before).
I understand or at least understood that this series starts off shaky and the attempts are not brilliant but this book and the previous are a lot lot better. Shows the author listened to fans then and now I benefit...

The fighting in this book is pretty good, its a little bit like finally its ending. Or Starting really.
I do feel that this book could have been the last. This is book 5 and there is still 5 more. No idea what shes going to be filling in for 5 more books so I may yet not finish this series if it gets stupid.

This book was entertaining and I do enjoy the series because it has the right mix of fighting and romance. The romance for this book is a little sketchy, I like shane but not that much. I prefer Sam Michael's grandpa.. Weird but still he is a nicer character.

Moving onto next book