A review by nicolerene
Curse the Dawn by Karen Chance


What can I say about the 4th book in this series other than it was really good. Four books into the series, Chance’s world has developed to a point that it no longer leaves me feeling confused about what I have just read. I can read and enjoy each crazy, plot-bending page.
The relationships between Cassie and Prikin, and the relationship between Mircea and Cassie, have developed at very believable pace. I love that Chance does not feel it is necessary to force a sexual encounter between two characters of the opposite sex, although I don’t think her readers would mind. I do think it demonstrates restraint and maturity to allow the characters’ sexual relations to develop at a natural pace.
At one point in the story, Cassie and Pritkin switch bodies and the results had me laughing my butt off. There is also a very memorable scene involving Pritkin, Cassie and a very large, black cross dresser….and that’s all I’m going to say about that. The sexual tension between these two is killing me! At the same time, I find myself rooting for Mircea and Cassie’s relationship as well.
My favorite aspect of Chance’s writing is her outrageous sense of humor. She is completely unpredictable from one moment to the next, which makes her books very exciting.
I will be anxiously awaiting the next installment in the series.