A review by herials
One Clear Ice-cold January Morning at the Beginning of the 21st Century by Roland Schimmelpfennig


I didn't know what to expect when I started this book, and I still don't quite know what to expect now that I've finished it. But I thoroughly enjoyed the journey throughout. When a wolf is seen outside Berlin for the first time in a century, the city and its surrounding area are turned upside down.
And the lives of several Germans are thrown into disarray when they actually spot the wolf.
A story of family dramas, of living our lives with and around and apart from people, knowing who you are--all this is seen in the wolf's eyes. And there's also an interesting underlying narrative about life after the Berlin wall coming down and what that means for the city.
This isn't my normal read. It's got the longest title with the shortest chapters. But it was absolutely enjoyable and dark and sad and kept me hooked.