A review by katheastman
Della Says: OMG! by Keris Stainton


I read Della Says: OMG! in one sitting. I very quickly warmed to Della, the central character, and identified with her preoccupations. You see, it may be *cough* years since I was a teenager but I've been there and I remember what it was like and how important some things seemed back then.

I also remember how closely I guarded the fact that I even kept a diary, let alone the extreme lengths I went to in order to safeguard it from prying eyes. All of which meant that, when Della's diary disappears from her bedroom during a party, I immediately felt the panic and terror she feels and was whisked into the book right alongside her.

So, while it may be marketed to teens, don't let this put you off reading it, as it nearly did me. Anyone who either is or has ever been a teenager and/or kept a diary could read this and enjoy a great story, told at a cracking pace and with understanding, warmth and real humour.