A review by cendi
The Infinite by Lori M. Lee


Reviewed By: Paperback Princesses

*I received this book as an ARC from Amazon Children’s Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I was really excited to receive an ARC of this book after I read the first installment. This book picks up a few months after Gates of Thread and Stone, and you definitely want to read that one first.

I won’t give too much of the plot away, but Kai is sent back across the Outlands to deal with a new threat: chimera. A neighboring city is asking for help, and she and the sentinels are their best bet.

Contrary to what normally happens, this book is as good as, if not better, than the first book. It’s enough of a different story to not feel like it’s repeating (The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, anyone?) but enough is the same to keep it on the same track. I didn’t feel any choppiness that a lot of sequels have when they introduce new conflicts.

All in all, I have to say Lee did a wonderful job on this book. I will definitely read this one again, and if there is another book on the way, I’ll be looking for that one too! (Also, look at that cover!)