A review by jaimejustreadsromance
Taming the Legend by Kat Latham


Full Disclosure: I am reading this series all out of order. I was first introduced to the men of the London Legends in the holiday novels Unwrapping Her Perfect Match and pretty much fell in love with John and Gwen and the rest of the team. But I absolutely fell in love with Kat Latham's writing. Her stories are a perfect combination of heat, sweet and happily ever afters.

When I was presented the opportunity to read and review this book I jumped at the chance without even a glance at the synopsis. I knew that it wasn't necessary, that whatever I read I would fall in love with and I was so right. Only I didn't expect the tears, that was a surprise, but a good surprise. They were tears of empathy and of heartbreak for Ash and Camila that eventually turned into tears of joy.

This was the best kind of second chance romance, the kind where years and years have gone by but where neither party ever really got over the other. It was clear from pretty early on that Ash and Camila had never really gotten over each other, even after 18 years, despite the anger and hurt they both held onto after their separation but Camila needs help and the only person who can give it Is Ash.

When it's revealed exactly why they didn't work out and what they went through afterwards it's heartbreaking and enough to make Ash agree to help because it's the least her can do for her right? Suddenly everything they thought they knew about their relationship is all wrong and they are left to deal with the repercussions of said revelations.

This is where I really fell in love with Ash. The way he responded when he learned the truth was sweet and honest and although his focus could have shifted to other aspects of their situation, it remained, for the most part, on the fact that he wasn't there for Camila all those years ago and how different things might have been for them if he had been. Most importantly he didn't hold a grudge against anyone for their choices back then once the whole truth came out. He was too focused on what would happen now.

The chemistry between Camila and Ash was immediate and authentic but they didn't give their hearts, or bodies, over easily which made for a slow burning romance with all kinds of twists and turns.

Although this is my first full novel in this series, it felt like coming home to read it. All the characters feel like friends even though I haven't even read each of their stories. I can't wait to read the rest of this books so I can thoroughly fall in love with everyone.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review