A review by sjj169
Spritzerville,…Ohio? by Tommy Kovac, Jason R. Koivu


Poor Bernard Wimple. He thinks his life is boring. He lives in a small town and is going broke owning a haberdashery that no one ever buys from.
Bernard does have quite the life contrary to what he believes...from a gang of clowns chasing him,

Several pot smoking surfer rats that have taken over the cuckoo clock in his shop,

and an uncontrollably farting frog as a pet are some of his adventures.

All in all for a first book this is very good work. My only criticism would be that it's written very higher educationally. I think it would have read a tad bit better at around a 8 or 9th grade reader level. Just because of the type story it was. Jason, you do receive this from me.

I did receive a copy of this book from the author and he did not even ask for a review. That is provided just cuz I wanted too.