A review by kellylynnthomas
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


I am trying to be fair in this review and judge based only on the book and not on anyone else's opinion.

Problems I had with this book:
1. The plot started on page 400 of 500.
2. The words "chuckled", "smoldered", and "dazzle" were repeated far too often.
3. Opportunities to explore supporting characters were ignored in favor of giving Edward and Bella more time alone.
4. Jesus totally got slipped in there, and that was kind of annoying.
5. Edward was Creepy McCreepyPants since he pretty much forced Bella to do everything and she literally couldn't resist (although I believe this was in part a function of poor writing--only in part, though). If I were judging just based on this, I would give it a one star rating, but I'm not, so. Two.

Things I surprisingly enjoyed about this book:
1. Stephanie Meyer's descriptions of nature and scenery. They were actually rather beautiful. She should be a nature writer. And I'm not even joking.
2. Jacob, although he got very little time, felt like a round character to me, and I liked him. When he told Bella that story, we learn a lot about him in a short amount of time, and it's impressive.
3. The first 100 pages. They did pull me in, I will admit. But then nothing happened for 300 pages, and Edward is a tool, and I got bored until the last 100 pages. So basically this would have been kinda decent if it were only 200 pages. Also if Edward weren't such a creeper.

I won't complain about how perfect Bella is, because Nancy Drew is also perfect and I love that shit. Ultimately, though, if I never see the word chuckle printed again it will be too soon.