A review by thindbooks
The Ballad of Dinah Caldwell by Kate Brauning


* this arc was given to be by the publisher to give an honest review in return*

This was such an amazing book which is about Dinah who lives on the farm and her mother is killed by a rich man. Now she is out for revenge. This was a great thriller and own voice novel. I love the plot which is the type of story I usually read when it comes to thrillers. I enjoyed the author's writing which had many twists and turns that I didn't expect. This was a powerful story where it shows Dinah's journey as she is grieving and will do anything to get justice for her mother. The story was well structured and the pacing was perfect. The author did an amazing job with bringing this story alive as it felt so pure and real. This was an amazing thriller where it would be considered a mystery but you already know the killer so you don't have to focus on that.

I enjoyed the main character Dinah. She is such a brave character who is grieving and is looking for revenge. Her character goes into a survival mode characteristic and you can see how much she improves throughout the novel. I loved how her journey was not only getting revenge but it was also finding love for herself. There are also some side character's in this novel but sadly not as many as I thought. The ones that were featured were great but I wish there were more minor characters that were more involved in the story. Also I was sad that there wasn't really romance in this book. Our main character is Queer so I was expecting there to be something as there isn't much LGBTQ+ romance in thrillers.

The ending was well done and I enjoyed the outcome of the story. When I first started the book, I wasn't expecting it to be this amazing. I was totally wowed. I did have some problems with the book like with the characters and the romance but other then that the story was great. I totally recommend reading this book as it's a great thriller novel with queer rep. This book is perfect for fans of April Henry and Karen M. McManus.