A review by fischers_reads
The Star by Rosie Alice



I’m going to start this review off by saying I love ALL romances books. Anywhere from YA to 🌽, just like my bio on bookstagram says. This book however, it made me uncomfy at times when I thought about how old they were. The dirty things that came out of Carson’s mouth I doubt normally come out of a high school aged boy. When he calls her a “Good Girl” I got the ick. I normally LOVE that phrase but when spoken by an older man, not a boy. I don’t know… it just wasn’t it for me. When I was able to not think about their age it was definitely hot and very well written. Logan grew up in the hood and moves with her dad across the tracks to the rich neighborhood so he could be with his fiancé. The dad pissed me off even though he wasn’t really in the story much. Now Carson’s mom Sara, she was the best! I really loved that Logan had Sara in her life. The bullying in the beginning of this book irritated me a bit and at times came off so juvenile but luckily it doesn’t last for long. Especially the reasons he was bullying her 🙄 it was dumb. I read this book pretty quick and I enjoyed most of it. Will I continue on? Maybe. There is a novella of Carson & Logan but we will see if I read it. Normally step sibling romances are my favorite but this one was just okay.