A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
River Marked by Patricia Briggs


This book started up a little bit slow, and also a little strange... a surprise wedding for Mercy and Adam, kind of planned by Mercy who wanted to elope, but mostly planned by her mother, who had this huge bet going on, knowing that Mercy might try to elope.

Then, the fun started with the honeymoon. That river-devil was scary, and big, and very mean, and she was playing with Mercy almost as soon as she and Adam got to the camp-ground for their trip. And of course, the fae had a hand in all that as well.

And I totally loved the Indian mythology, the medicine man, the ancient shapeshifters, and Mercy's almost-maybe-father Coyote.

I might come back later to write a more detailed review, right now, I'm still overwhelmed with all that happened, it was a fast, scary ride!

However, one more thing is that Adam has started to understand that Mercy needs to fight her battles, even if she might need his help, and that he has to trust her, even if he is über-alpha in his heart and soul. They are great together, I love them.