A review by heresthepencil
Several People Are Typing, by Calvin Kasulke, Calvin Kasulke


rep: bi mc, achillean mc

weird is such an understatement, when describing this little book. it simultaneously makes you feel at home & like screaming internally forever. even if plot is absolutely out of this world, you know those feelings. none of it has ever happened to you, but also all of it have & it has a place in your marrow.

the intensity (insanity) of modern work culture (and specifically working from home) juxtaposed with the romanticisation of the small things in life! the conversations about how we treat the internet, and what it does to our brains, how it affects our lives! at the end of the day, it's actually a very simple book, but uses such cool & smart ways to achieve what it wants. also, it's absolutely hilarious.