A review by ladynigelia
The Wizard Heir by Cinda Williams Chima


This book couldn't decide if it was the second book in a series, or a good place for new readers to join. And so I'm having trouble deciding how I feel about it. We go over the guilds of Weir several time and the events in The Warrior Heir are alluded to before being outright retold.
I am glad we have a new protagonist, but I never really connected with Seph the same way I did Jack. The evil guys are unbelievably blinded by their arrogance and make so many stupid decisions. We don't get nearly the same training montage so when Seph busts out his skills, I wonder where they came from. I guess wizard training isn't as interesting as warrior training, but it did make it harder for me to keep up with what to expect. There's also the things that were just glossed over
SpoilerEllen's not mad at Seph for making her forget about the attack at the picnic?

I may or may not come back to this series after I've read the more highly recommended books on my to-read list.