A review by weasley101
Catch-22, by Joseph Heller


“Where were you born?"
"On a battlefield," [Yossarian] answered.
"No, no. In what state were you born?"
"In a state of innocence.”

An amazing book that is filled with a large and complex set of characters and their often ridiculous situations, that could be seen as hundreds of short stories about different characters. This book is funny, beautiful, thought provoking and sad, covering so many different tones and emotions that make it a great read. So many good quotes and conversations that you just want to read out loud, and even though its long, it never gets boring, and can literally make you laugh out loud. Above all my favourite part about this book is it's constant call backs to previous jokes and situations, and the interesting and intricate characters, that despite being hard to keep up with all of them in the beginning, by the end you know so much about them and feel personally attached to each one.