A review by soloefie
Out of the Blue by Jason June


this ending wtf do you mean?? im CRYING BITCH UNFAIR UEUEHEHEHHSJS

okay... i'm back lol
4 stars because overall i found this book hilarious, i cried (of course) AND while the message is cringe (bleh), it's also an incredibly important one for the target audience to understand.

overall, this book felt very "Gen Z", but... removed from my 2000 ass self. it has all the nods to popular social media and trends going around, which... I'm not really a part of (aside from fandom twitter LOL). regardless, i was amused!! constantly!!! ALSO!!!!! i found myself very interested in the magical world that exists here - I mean vampires and werewolves being real!!! come on!!

now, ima say it. i HATE dominic, so i found myself slightly annoyed that sean was doing the whole "i need to get him back" ploy, but the pacing of this story was well enough that it didn't annoy me so much. sean's character development (would you call it that if the development was just one thing?) was nice, and very reminiscent of what im sure others his age (teens) are going through as they navigate relationships and their place in the world.

now im gonna say this:
Spoileri don't forgive kavya for what she did. while i do understand where she was coming from, but it still annoyed me that she assumed her mom was depressed over a decision she made, as if people just...aren't depressed for fuck know's why. but more so, that she used this experience as a way to control/manipulate her friend's life. depression just HAPPENS, and we do our best to cope, but if leaving the Blue was the "reason", don't you think she would have fallen into a depression well before you were born??? make it make sense darling
grrr. it just irked me, but it's also very human and childlike (they're all children), so i understand.

but the ending!!!! i have a few thoughts, but overall, lowkey feels masochistic LMAO if you know what i mean... seriously though i just feel like
Spoilerseeing the person you love but not be able to be with them is a whole different kind of torture, but idk that's just me

i enjoyed the book!! and as i said earlier, i cried, which i didn't really expect to happen lol

edit: oh my goodness, how could i forget to mention the sheer amount of rep!!! and ik dumbass people would be like "oh, the cast is so fucking gay, it must be performative wokeness". unkindly, shut the fuck up!!! have you not heard of the term "gays of the feather, flock together"??? literally, queers attract queers so it's no fucking surprise that a gay man is gonna have two bisexual friends and falls in love with a nonbinary pan individual. come on now. LOVE the pan rep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a demi-pan