A review by heartscontent
Always Only You by Chloe Liese


You can find this review of Always Only You by Chloe Liese on my blog, Heart's Content!

Received an Advanced Reader’s Copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

*trumpets into tissue* The hardest thing I have done in this life is pick ONE single quote for this review to highlight. This book, you guys. This book.

When I read Only When It’s Us by Chloe Liese in March, I had no idea what I was heading into. That book hit me the way only a really good book can hit a reader. It’s like coming home after a fun weekend out and remembering everything about home that you loved. It reminded why I love to read. It was emotional, heart-wrenching, laugh-out-loud funny and so very beautiful. If I thought that I had seen the last of Chloe’s magic in that book, I was in for such a surprise.

Always Only You managed to up Only When It’s Us which in my opinon is something I would’ve never expected. I thought OWIU was perfect, but AOY really tore through me and wrapped me up in its warm embrace at the same time. There’s just something about really nice people that tugs at your heart like absolutely nothing else. I think AOY does something that many books haven’t thought of doing. It portrayed a hero by breaking a lot of the profession-personality related and gender-role stereotypes and showing us just how admirable and attractive that makes someone to us. Ren was … well, Ren was perhaps what everyone would hope they inspire their child to become. He’s someone who went through hurt and pain but lets that cycle end with him and brings only kindness and honour along with him. Who he is, I believe the reader should unravel on their own, but it was really really heart-warming how well Chloe had shaped his character to be and how perfectly everything he did and all his choices fit into this personality. Ladies, if you see a Ren in your life, protect him with all your might and let them shine. These kind of men are what the world needs to know exist.

Now, Frankie. Ah, another character that crushed my heart with happiness and love. Frankie–Francesca, though she’d probably cast a spell on you with her mighty cane dare you call her that–was just so very relatable! I can be a total grump at times too where I just want to sit in the corner and not be spoken too sometimes. Also good God save anyone that happens to be around when there’s something that I love that I want to talk about. *jumps up and down and points at Frankie* She’s so badass and sweet and grumpy and adorable and gosh I just loved being in her mind. She was really really good representation for RA and for Autism; both of which she speaks about to the reader as well as out loud. I think something to always take away from reads with good rep along with awareness and understanding, is knowledge on what they consider support and try to imbibe that into one’s idea of how to be. It’s important to treat anyone as a person and not as a set of symptoms, which every single good rep out there has taught me. I loved seeing Frankie evolve–and like Ren–stay true to her personality, her struggles, her past and her strengths.

There was a lot of angst, laughter, heart-warming/breaking moments and love. Love in all forms, from a parent, a sister, a friend, a dog. Every form of it. I think I’m a CL-girl for life, I’ve imprinted on her. She will now see me everywhere because there’s not going to be a single place I don’t tag her.

Five all-the-love-in-the-world stars, I highly recommend this book to you. There is literally nothing I wouldn’t do for this series. I’m not one who’s sentimental about having physical copies of books, but gosh this series is making me sentimental about it and I want my own set sitting on a bookshelf so I can see them every time I look up. *gets hit with all the feels*

There’s another thing I want to appreciate. CL showed some real understanding when she portrayed a character in love with a series but made a point to ensure that the author’s recent actions were addressed without being overlooked or brushed over. She was straight and to the point frank and with no wishy-washy statements. The reader–had they not known about the series or the author–would leave that scene with awareness.

Happy reading! I hope this book brings to you everything it did for me. Be safe! ❤