A review by fallingletters
Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee


Review originally published 5 July 2020 at Falling Letters.

Maybe He Just Likes You pairs perfectly with [b: Dress Coded|43880146|Dress Coded|Carrie Firestone|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1575745437l/43880146._SY75_.jpg|68269694]. Both novels crack open long standing issues on the treatment of girls (predominantly white ones) in middle school. Where I found Dress Coded primarily frustrating (augh, what awful administration!), I found Maybe He Just Likes You heartbreaking (yes, Mila, they are in the wrong!). Molly sees a wrong and works to fix it. Mila spends most of the book wondering if she really has been wronged. As an adult reader who can immediately see the problems with Mila’s treatment – by the adults in her life, by her friends, by her classmates – the story made my heart ache.

Mila’s Experience

Mila has many experiences that made me want to give her a hug and tell “Your’re right, that’s not okay”. Instances of second guessing whether it was intentional or serious enough to be upset about, of wondering why you didn’t react differently, of immediately apologizing, of not feeling like anything you do will make a difference. Of friends questioning why you ‘allow’ it, saying it’s flirting, not saying anything at all.