A review by julie_embleton
Remember to Love Me by Becky Wright


Fate draws April into her family’s past, where the lives of those gone before her continue to clutch to present day so secrets can be aired, and peace finally attained.

This time-slip paranormal romance took me through the emotional roller coaster of April’s family history, weaving a tale of love, loyalty, and loss, intertwined with threads of hope. While there’s quite a bit of toing and froing, Wright delivers the bounce between past and present with ease, and I never lost my way. Each visit to the different lives builds nicely on the character development, while also deepening the mystery running through the tale. Wright keeps the secrets bubbling under the surface all the way through, keeping the reader hooked in to the who, why, and how.

Her descriptions of the characters’ homes and surrounds made the book a very visual read, and with Christmas slotted into the middle, also incredibly atmospheric. The sense of heartbreak is palpable as the story unfolds, and I did shed a few tears towards the end.

With haunting prose, and harrowing scenes, Remember to Love Me heaves with sentimentality. The ending tied up the tale nicely, leaving me satisfied, if not still a little weepy. Bring tissues!