A review by vickylou
Cease Fire by Janie Crouch


Um, these Omega people are pretty fraking dense. I think that, quite frankly, they deserve everything that they get... and then some.

Annnd... lead bloke's mum? Yeeeuuuckkk. I would never had let off as lightly as they did. Irrespective of what she did at the end? Honestly, I don' think she would've cared if lead female had died... it was just about making herself look better.

I cannot wait for the ending of this... how will they ever take down this criminal mastermind... I mean, they can't even track Mr Fawkes... LOL.

26/02/21 So, it only takes several deaths, lots of injuries, masses of destruction for Steve to finally say:

“Freihof has brought a war to us. To our own doorstep. We’re going to damn well make sure he regrets that.”

And I am shaking my head at myself in disappointment, why did I read this again?