A review by vee615
Year of Yes, by Shonda Rhimes


I felt this book on a soulful level. Like Shonda I am an introvert who naturally would rather say no to social functions or things that scare me than say yes to the challenge. Like Shonda I tend to worry if people will think ill of me if I put myself and my own needs first. Yes this a book about saying yes to situations that make you uncomfortable. But it is also about saying yes to putting yourself first, allowing yourself to take time to care for yourself, and most importantly yes to finding your happiness whatever that may be.

I thought this book was a great inspiration to taking back yourself, to being allowed to be a woman and brag about yourself a little and not feel embarrassed. Take back your badassery, be open to challenging yourself, get rid of toxic people and find people who vibe with you, don't be ashamed of your greatness, if people pay you a compliment don't duck and dodge accept it. I had so many "hey I do that" a ha moments it was ridiculous. I would recommend this book for any woman who feels like she needs to take back herself and doesn't know how. It is a solid first step.