A review by kerryanndunn
The Annotated Emma by David M. Shapard, Jane Austen


What a mammoth undertaking the Annotated Emma was! Nearly 900 pages! But the information was so enlightening and interesting! The way language and grammar has changed over the centuries is fascinating. I've read Emma before but never with such insight. The notes about farming and the law profession and the social classes gave such in depth illumination to the characters. I understand the time period so much more now. This was my first Annotated Austen and I planned to read them all in 2020 but as this one took me three months to read, we'll see if I can fit them all in one year!

As for the story itself, I think I loved Emma much more this time around. I see her as way less snobbish and spoiled as I read her in the past. She’s a product of her upbringing, her social status, and her social circle, which is VERY small. Her love and care for her father is adorable and commendable. She makes mistakes but she learns from them. She has a true character arc and it's satisfying. And Mr. Knightley? What. A. Catch.