A review by ac223
50 Ways to Hex Your Lover by Linda Wisdom


This was a cute book, and cheap on kindle! My only real issue was the way she ended her spells. Instead of the typical 'so mote it be', or whatever, she says 'because I say so damn it'. I like the personal twist, but that was just annoying. Jazz is a several hundred year old witch. As a child, she and several of her witch friends were banished from the witch school, for cursing a human or something. Now anytime she uses magic for selfish, evil, or any other purpose except for good, she has time added to her banishment. Nikolai, or Nick, her on again, off again, vampire lover is back in town. He works for the vamp police (idk the name of the actual group), and apparantly has to arrest Jazz often. I see how that could lead to the off again part of their relationship, but there is a past, and feelings that usually put her in the on again part. Well anyway he is back in town because he needs her help. Vampires are turning up missing and he has been hired to find out why. Next scene, enter the bad guy, Clive Reeves. He was the old Hollywood actor, turned evil, and killed by Jazz in 1932. He can't be here now b/c she killed him, but what's better than an enemy you thought was already taken care of.