A review by beak
The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King


This book was a great follow-up to The Gunslinger. I really enjoyed following Roland through his bizarre and fascinating journey. From battling 'lobstrosities' to New York City cops, King had me very engaged in this yarn.

This book was fairly straightforward. Unlike other fiction I've been reading lately. It did not pose weighty questions regarding morality or contentment. Instead, it provided an in-depth look at a complex character that is driven by powers we have yet to really understand. I very much look forward to reading the next book in the series.

"Without thought, with the simple resolve that had made him the last of them all, the last to continue marching on and on long after Cuthbert and the others had died or given up, committed suicide or treachery or simply recanted the whole idea of the Tower; with the single-minded and incurious resolve that had driven him across the desert and all the years before the desert in the wake of the man in black, the gunslinger stepped through the doorway." (p. 43)