A review by finalefile
Fine: A Comic About Gender by Rhea Ewing


I liked how this book was mostly a lot of interviews published in comic form. I'd like to see more books in this genre.

The book describes the interviewees' ideas of what "gender" means to them. There is quite a diversity of responses - it's like no two people have the same perspective. I actually really liked seeing these different perspectives, instead of the book trying to push a specific, narrow agenda.

If you gave this book to an alien who had no idea of human history and gender norms, I think they'd be pretty confused by all the contradictions! The book's lack of consensus on gender further cemented my interest in gender-abolitionist and gender-critical beliefs...get rid of all gender stereotypes and expectations and just let people be who they are (while still referring to the biological sexes when appropriate). I have felt uncomfortable with my gender perception in the past, but I have to make peace with the fact that I am a female-bodied human being and there is nothing wrong with my body, but there is plenty wrong with societal norms that make me dislike my body. Okay, now we need a book about that!