A review by paradoxically
Heartless by Gail Carriger


I really love these books. They're funny, they have good plots, and the characters are pretty much all awesome. The dry wit these books have makes for a great read, and Heartless does not fail to deliver.

Alexia is heavily pregnant in this book. She's eight months or so along and has ballooned in size. Her being so heavily pregnant does affect what she does and how she does it, but she still trucks along at her own pace and is very determined to do what needs to be doing. It's great to read how her pregnancy limits her and yet it's not the end of all things. Alexia pretty much just registers how pregnant she is and goes off anyway. I've always loved her character and this love doesn't change a whit in this book.

There's a lot of focus on secondary characters in this book: Lord Akeldama, Biffy, Professor Lyall, and so on. I thought this was great because Carriger manages to make each of her characters distinct and you can't help but like each and every one, no matter how different their personalities may be. Biffy is having a terrible time being a werewolf (and Lord Akeldama isn't taking it so well either), and you can't help but hope that everything will just work out for the both of them. You find out more about Professor Lyall and his past and it's truly fascinating stuff to read, especially when it strikes so close to Alexia as well.

The plot rolls along at a merry pace. The characters find out there might be an assassination plot against the queen. Alexia goes about trying to uncover whether or not this is true, and if so, by who and how. The actual mystery of who, when, where, how is a bit slow as Alexia is encumbered by her pregnancy, but the book makes up for it with interesting glimpses into the secondary characters. The end speeds past you once you get into the nitty gritty of why everything is happening and, hm, I enjoyed reading it very much, but I'm not entirely happy with how things were laid out in the end.

At the same time I'm a bit leery at how things will go along in the next book.
SpoilerI'm not overly fond of children characters, but seeing as how the author handled the pregnancy well, I'm hoping Carriger will pull through.

Still, a very fun book, as always. 4 stars.