A review by theresidentbookworm
Black Widow #11 by Nathan Edmondson, Phil Noto


The Best of: Femmes Fatales

1. Opening scene of strong women: Natasha Romanoff, Tori Raven, and X-23, Laura Kinney aka Wolverine. Why didn't I know there was a female Wolverine? I feel a little cheated, and I want to read more comics with her in them.

2. Black Widow/Wolverine (X-23) team up! "You ready?" "Let's bring hell."

3. Isaiah schooling the bad guy on why they're not going to win against Natasha: "I don't think you understand what you're up against, chief. Do you know what I did before the Black Widow came into my life? How much security do you and your-- employers-- have in this hotel? Ten? Twenty? It's not enough. You don't understand what you're dealing with. An assassin. An agent of S.H.I.E.D. An Avenger."

4. The fight scenes. I am in love with the fight scenes. I'm really not sure what's better: X-23 taking on five guards on her own, claws out and blood staining her white outfit, or Black Widow crashing through a window like a badass.

5. Laura Kinney, ladies and gentleman. Laura Kinney. "I need answers. I need a path." "Go, get your guy. I've got this. Trust me, Nat. I'm calm."... "Hi, I'm Laura. You're going to tell me everything I want to hear."

6. A comic book that actually would pass the Bechdel test. A comic book that has two pages of strong female characters just talking, trying to sort through personal issues. I love this issue so much. "Thanks." "For what?" "I needed someone angrier than I was." "I am that." "And Logan wanted me to look out for you." "You're angry, Laura. But you're not alone."

7. Another epic cliff-hanger!
Spoiler Tori Raven, you sly bird. I knew I couldn't trust you.