A review by the_moody_marshmallow
One Part Woman by Perumal Murugan


Set in rural Tamil Nadu, this is a story about a couple - Kali and Ponna - facing the stigma of being childless for 12 years and the solutions they are offered by people around them. One of the solutions being that Ponna attends a temple festival where consensual union between any man and woman is allowed. This suggestion is what sparks friction in the couple’s otherwise ‘happy’ marriage. This book does a stellar job at world building and really getting into the nuances of a relationship. One Part Woman predominantly talks about desire from a male perspective but it brings in the female lens at critical points in the story. The narrative is observational and topical with the way it portrays societal conditioning. What I particularly love about this book is that it lets the reader interpret certain aspects including the climax however they choose to read the situation. This book is by no means a fast paced read. If anything, it’s a slow burn and build up to what is expected to happen with this couple. I would’ve liked to read more on the aftermath of Kali and Ponna’s relationship, but then again that is possibly the beauty of how this story has been written. Leaving you wanting for more.

Hellfire by Leesa Gazi would make for a great companion read with this book.