A review by bookboss85
Hearts Abroad by Skye McNeil


Original review can be found at: http://www.nerdprobs.com/books/book-review-hearts-abroad-by-skye-mcneil/

**A copy of this book was provided from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.**

Part of what drew me to this book was the fact that it is a romance, an author I have never heard of before but the icing on the cake was the fact that the main male character was British. I don’t know about you, but when the characters have accents I tend to read them with that accent in my mind. I was hoping that it wouldn’t disappoint.

Londyn is doing what she loves. She working in the theater and writing what she hopes will be her huge break as a playwright. The job might not pay super well and it might now always be a given that she will even have work but she loved it anyway. That all came to a screeching halt when her ex-boyfriend put his name on a play that she wrote and managed to get it picked up for production. Her world came crashing down around her. She felt betrayed and hurt but what she was the most was angry. She goes home to wallow in self-pity and to utilize her three C’s– Chocolate, Chick Flicks, and Chinese food. She sees that her aunt who raised her from 10 years old has called her. She calls and tells her aunt all about her play. Her aunt suggests coming home to Iowa for the summer. Her aunt says that she will pay Londyn’s portion of the rent for her crackerbox apartment. Londyn agrees and off she goes to Iowa. While living with her aunt she feels out of place. Her aunt has recently started dating and she feels a bit like a third wheel. She finds online a nanny job which she applies for and gets. Once there she falls in love with the two girls that she is caring for. Eventually, she starts to fall for Callum, the father of the two girls. As things progress between them she begins to wonder how she can leave this family at the end of the summer and head back to New York City. Will they tell each other how they feel before its too late? Will the girls’ estranged mother, who suddenly reappears, drive a wedge between the two?

I absolutely LOVED this book. I read it in about two days. I didn’t want it to end. The book was fast paced and well written. The characters are well rounded and you can see what they look like in your mind’s eye. There is romance, obviously, but it’s not over the top and ridiculous. I honestly don’t know what else to say about this book. It is, so far, the top book I have read this year. Granted that isn’t much time but its true. This book was cute and kept me turning the pages long after I should have. I will keep an eye out for more books by this author and add the books she has written to my to-be-read stack.