A review by marocuya
Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi


I drove home from work today and wondered what Boy, Snow, Bird was going to give to me today and while sitting in traffic, I sadly came to realize that I had finished the book last night before going to bed...
I've read most of Oyeyemi's books by now, I have to say each one captivates me but this has taken the prize thus far! I actually felt a real connection to these women. It's possible that the fact that I started reading it during my last days of maternity leave (when one is lost within the walls of home confinement) led me to believe this book was awesome or the fact that in some way this book reveals a bit of true human nature/impulses, regardless I was pulled in. Any chance I had I read but I made sure to prolong it as much as I could.
I would have given it five stars but there was no ending to the story (which doesn't surprise me being written by Oyeyemi) but I would have loved to know what happens to the trio and if Frances would somehow be saved from the terrors within.