A review by lectriza
Never Say Die by Anthony Horowitz



I actually got myself so excited for this book. Childhood nostalgia I guess. But in the end it was pretty meh.

This was the ending I expected from Scorpia Rising-- everyone makes it home safe, but there's another mission looming on the horizon. Typical spy story ending. It pains me to say it, but Scorpia Rising actually had a better ending IMO. Not a perfect ending either, but it was more original and realistic. Alex is damaged, man. PTSD is a thing. And he needs to break out of the spy life. Let him live, honestly.

I appreciate Horowitz's sheer audacity in writing another book in a series he'd previously said was finished + naming it "Never Say Die"-- that's... iconic. But the series was maybe stronger without it. Don't get me wrong, I like Jack and prefer her alive, but...
the reason for her not being dead was freakin RIDICULOUS. That's my biggest pet peeve with this book. Couldn't Horowitz have thought of anything better? Or even his editor? I get these books are written for a younger audience but still! My little sister wouldn't be fooled by that nonsense reason. How unrealistic and absurd can you get.

Horowitz's writing style remains unremarkable and a little heavy-handed at times. It would be nice if he could actually give his characters personalities... my childhood nostalgia can only stretch so far.

A mediocre end to a mediocre series. There were some good moments, though. I like the concept, I really do; the execution, on the other hand...

But if they make a TV series I'm definitely watching.