A review by blodeuedd
How I Wonder What You Are by Jane Lovering


Two people hurt by love find each other, and ha, oh how they meet each other! You have to read that for yourself.

Molly is hiding away in a house in a village in the middle of nowhere. She has been hurt. But why is she running from love? What happened? And we get to see issues with her love life. She needs to think about that (and does.)

Phinn has even bigger issues and is hiding away in a crappy old house he inherited. Poor guy is drinking too much and is depressed. He is also super smart and has a phd in astrophysics.

They meet (very weird meeting.) They meet again. They meet again (ha, even stranger.) They slowly start to talk, get to know each other more. But she is hiding from something, and he is running from his own feelings. They both need to heal. And we all know how that will work, yes let them heal each other :D The road there is long, but then loves does not come easily.

An amusing book that also was serious at times. Romance and, not for be forgotten, strange lights in the sky. What are those? :)