A review by thenerdybookwitch
From Where I Stand: Rebuilding Indigenous Nations for a Stronger Canada by Jody Wilson-Raybould


Who is Jody Wilson-Raybould? She was our first Indigenous Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Minister of Veterans Affairs of Canada. She was also a Treaty Commissioner and Regional Chief of the B.C. Assembly of First Nations, as well as a Crown Prosecutor in BC. This book is a collection of all her speeches on Indigenous rights, Canada's colonialism and refusal to acknowledge Indigenous rights, and the mistreatment of Indigenous from past to present in very important meetings and assemblies between 2009-2019.
Reading this book in 2020 has definitely given me a large perspective on things. The main one being that throughout the decade of these speeches, many of issues Indigenous experience due to the colonialism of the Canadian government is still happening. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been implemented since 2010, yet the Canadian government refuses to acknowledge that Indigenous have rights and that is so wrong. A decade of speeches and they are just as relevant and important as they were when spoken. Canada needs to change, it must change. Indigenous rights and values must be recognized and acknowledged. The justice system, which has always been against Indigenous and only benefits white settlers, needs to change. To my fellow white Canadians, please work to reconcile. Fight alongside Indigenous Peoples in support for their rights, solidarity, and freedom. They deserve respect, recognition, and to be treated equal.
These speeches are so important. I encourage every Canadian to read this book. We need to care about the people whose land we are living on, please give it a read. I will continue to read Indigenous books and educate myself, you all should be too.