A review by missprint_
The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord


For the past two years Paige has been defined by the unexpected death or her first boyfriend. While Paige's grief is real, she also often feels like an impostor being lumped together with others who knew her boyfriend so much better and miss him much more keenly.

When Paige decides she's ready to make the most of her time left in high school, she knows she has to start dating again. Who better than her long-time crush Ryan Chase to help Paige convince everyone she is back to normal? They don't have a lot in common but Paige is certain they could become friends. Especially when Ryan's smart (nice, cute, totally nerdy) cousin convinces Paige to join the school's Quiz Bowl team (number two: re-join an extracurricular activity).

With help from her friends Tessa, Kayleigh and Morgan--and even Ryan and Max--Paige is certain to have an unforgettable year filled with quiz competitions, nerdy discussions, TV shows and healing. As Paige and Max get to know each other, she has to decide if she needs to stick to her plan or take a leap to discover something completely unexpected in The Start of Me and You (2015) by Emery Lord.

The Start of Me and You is Lord's sophomore novel, coming after her debut Open Road Summer made a splash in 2014.

While it's easy to focus on the romantic aspects of this story since Max is adorable (as is Ryan to a lesser extent), it's also not entirely accurate. Yes, there is a romance plot here. Yes, the cover and title make that overtly clear. At the time time, The Start of Me and You is a lot more than that.

Lord delivers a fully-realized world in this novel as readers are immediately drawn into Paige's life in her small and sometimes stifling town. This novel also boasts a charming ensemble cast filled with characters who compliment Paige and add their own elements to the story. In addition to Paige moving through her grief, Lord also includes plot threads about dealing with divorce, dating someone who is maybe not right, the push and pull between close friends to name just a few.

At its core The Start of Me and You is a true slice-of-life novel as it follows Paige over the course of her junior year. At times it feels like Lord might have taken on too much but she brings everything together by the end in a way that is both authentic and satisfying.

Paige and Max are a great pair who work well together even as they challenge each other to be their best selves. It would be a spoiler to discuss how their relationship ends, but rest assured that not matter what follows it starts with a rock solid friendship.

Happily, friendship is a common theme throughout the novel as, even in the midst of romantic troubles, Paige returns to her friends Tessa, Kayleigh and Morgan. The girls are a great support system for each other and have unconditional love and trust between each other--something that is sadly not seen enough in YA novels. Paige's family is also a great source of support though often in unconventional ways.

The Start of Me and You is a book that truly has it all including a smart heroine, an adorable male lead, a great story and even some allusions to Jane Austen thrown in. A delight. Highly recommended.

You can also check out my review with Emery about the book starting on March 3 at: missprint.wordpress.com

Possible Pairings: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo, A Little Wanting Song by Cath Crowley, Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg, To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han, Unearthly by Cynthia Hand, Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson, Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta, A Map of the Known World by Lisa Sandell

*An advance copy of this book was acquired for review consideration from the publisher*