A review by thereadingbel
The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears by Michael Green, Theda Perdue


Very informative history about the Cherokee Native American tribe and its adaptation in the Christian ways of what they deem normal. Christians viewed Native Americans as savages and they set to go into Native American communities and teach them the proper way as what White people do and behave. The cruelty and the ethnic cleansing we did to the Cherokee people is unconscionable. We stole everything from them especial there ancestral lands.

Chronicling the history of U.S.-Native American Relations from the Colonial Period to the time of the Trail of Tears, it lays out the foundations of policy toward Native Americans, and ultimately stakes the case perpetuated by the Government for the removal of the tribes, after the failure of the 'Civilization' program.

I constantly hear people say this is not who we are when we are doing bad things to groups of people. Let's have an honest discussion that is exactly who we are as a Nation we have stole land, cleansed Native populations ect ect. We are not great and we never will be the harms we have done is not at all be learned because we keep repeating with a different groups of people. Right now it is children in cages.