A review by novelesque_life
A Great Deliverance by Elizabeth George


While working at the bookstore I noticed the author Elizabeth George in our mystery section. As we were not allowed to really do anything but tidy I would rebel by reading the synopsis on book jackets. I became intrigued by the main characters - Inspector Lynley and Sargent Havers. Thomas Lynley is part of the upper class of society, wealthy and very handsome. Barbara Havers is from the working class side of London, living at home with her elderly and ill parents, and is an outsider in general. When Havers cannot seem to get along with her co-workers she is paired with Lynley as her last chance. Before the two can protest, they are thrown into their first case.

(Inspector Lynley: #1)
Written by Elizabeth George
1988, 419 Pages
Bantam Books
Genre: mystery, british, suspense, police

READ in 2011

Roberta Teys - an overweight, plain and lonely woman - is found in the barn wearing her best dress with an axe on her lap. Next to her is the body of her father - headless. She claims she has killed him and has no regrets. After Roberta is sent to an asylum, Havers and Lynley began investigating the case. As the two work together they clash...yet, they slowly began to work well as a team. Havers identifies with Roberta's life and Lynley looks at people and situation around the case. William Tyes might be well liked by the community...his wife did abandon him and their two daughters. And later, his eldest daughter ran away. What was exactly happening in the Tyes household?

A wonderful "old-time detective" mystery story that keeps you engaged every moment. This is the first book in the Inspector Thomas Lynley series that teams up the Oxford educated Inspector with Barbara Havers, a working-class Sargent. I really enjoyed all the characters in the books and how they relate to one another. After saying all that if you are expecting a cozy mystery...move on. This is a gritty book with realistic murders - but once you get into the book I dare you to stop.

k (My Novelesque Life)