A review by bogdanbalostin
Fulgrim by Graham McNeill


It's a weird book in that it's too damn long for what it offers. I understand why it must cover so much ground but I think the execution is a little bit (more) off. After thinking it through, I think the main culprit is the lack of a central character for the first half and battles being described out of character, like an omniscient narrator, bird's-eye view. It makes the battles scenes very boring and dragged out.

That's the only problem with the book. I think Fulgrim's tragedy is relatable and very interesting to follow, but the execution was very clunky. I could excuse that for shorter books, but the longer the book gets, the less patience I have.

Probably fans of the Emperor's Children would make an exception and would read every single word, curious about how the legion behaved in war before, during, and after the fall to the luring temptation of chaos.

Also, the best interaction between Primarchs in Horus Heresy so far (I've only read the first 5 books), so it makes me want to read books with more Primarchs and more conflict between them.