A review by yvo_about_books
Plus+ by Bethany Rutter


Finished reading: November 27th 2018 

"So let this book be a record of how far we've come, filled with people who know we have so much further left to go and are having so much fun getting us there."

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Netgalley and Ebury in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I know, I know, you are probably as surprised as I am to see this title pop up on my shelf. PLUS+ isn't just a little out of my comfort zone, it's waaaaaay out. But, as someone who has struggled with her weight her whole life, there was just something about this title that drew me in. I was in desperate need of both some body positivity and fashion inspiration, because let's face it: it's not easy at all to find good plus-size clothes out there that are affordable, look good and are comfortable as well. Although I wish PLUS+ would have had more text and more fashion advice handed to us by the different models futured in this collection, the forward was brilliant. The photos themselves are wonderful, showing the world us plus-size girls have the right to wear whatever the heck we want and that we don't have to hide our body. Body positivity to the win! I admire all these beautiful women for not being afraid to show everyone there style and looking fabulous while doing it. And I definitely felt inspired by quite a few photos.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.