A review by andrewschreck
Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas by Chuck Klosterman


Nothing earth shattering, or even particularly new in this book, which is predominately a collection of articles that Klosterman wrote for Esquire, SPIN and others. The fiction piece at the end may be new, I cant recall. That said, I enjoyed reading this as a retrospective of the late 90s and early 00's. Klosterman has been able to be in the center of the culture and trends of that era, and has done a good job over the years of capturing that and relaying it to his readers. This book serves as a nice way to see that in totality by a guy who is a really good writer.

The book is a collection of essays grouped by "Things that are true" "Things that Might be True" and "Something that isn't true at all". I liked some of the essays more than others, and some of the sections more than others. I would rate Things that Might Be True as my favorite. 5 stars. The first section was probably 4 stars and the last 3 stars (not that it was bad, but I liked the other pieces better).

I have always enjoyed Klosterman's pieces in Esquire and elsewhere when I see them, so it wasn't a surprise that I enjoyed this book as well.