A review by captwinghead
Avengers/Invaders by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, Steve Sadowski


This is very well written. Admittedly, my knowledge of the Invaders is rather limited. I know of Namor, Cap and Bucky of course. My knowledge of Jim Hammond and Toro is very limited but, from what I saw here, I'm intrigued. The creators clearly loved this team and it shows. Honestly, after reading this, I love this team, too. Sorry but, in a world where standards have started to shift, it's a joy to read about characters who know Nazis are the bad guys. It shouldn't have to be said but: Nazis are the bad guys.

The premise is interesting enough. There's a lot of heart and complex character work done here, not only with the Invaders but with the current Avengers, as well. We get a lot of Tony doing his best to not hurt Cap and dealing with grief over his Steve's death. There's some great stuff with Namor, Jim, Bucky and Toro, as well. It's one of the reasons I love time travel stories (when they're done well). I love seeing these characters learn about what their lives become.

The covers are beautiful. The writing for Namor and Jim is just really powerful stuff. Honestly, Namor talking to his future self was really moving. As was Jim speaking about his creation being solely intended to destroy the oppressors.

Honestly, this is one of the better books I've read this year. By far!