A review by blueyorkie
O Enraizamento, by Simone Weil


This essay was written in 1943 (it seems to me) during the occupation of France by Germany. Simone Weil tries to understand what was lacking in her country in 1939 to allow herself to overcome the Nazi war machine. The Third Republic takes it for its rank, particularly its attachment to secular values ​​resulting from the French Revolution and its lack of spiritual education. It, therefore, calls for reconstruction on a new basis based on the principles of the Christian religion. Simone Weil does not avoid political contradictions and absurdities despite the apparent expression of charitable and fraternal feelings. This book was written at the end of her life when the philosopher turned into mysticism and spiritualism. This fact explains these inconsistencies, but the whole remains refreshing and beneficial for humanity in the 21st century. At a time of the accelerated destruction of our planet, we would be well advised to no longer believe ourselves to be above nature. The duties stated by Simone Weil at the beginning of her essay remind us of those we owe to our environment.